Chippewa Falls FFA Alumni Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction
April 13 @ 9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Sunday April 13th we are having a Pancake Breakfast for the Chippewa Falls Future Farmers of America “FFA” and Alumni. It goes from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Columbus Association Hall, 236 Pumphouse Road, Chippewa Falls.
Please consider supporting as this event provides scholarships for graduates and funds for students to attend leadership training and educational trips.
This is an awesome breakfast. Pancakes “Gluten Free Available,” Pure Maple Syrup, Sausage, Eggs, Apple Sauce, Cheese Curds, Culver’s Custard w/Strawberries, Milk, Orange Juice and Coffee.
Adults: $10.00, Kids (5-12) $4.00 and Under 5 Free.