Meg Ann Lee : A Winter Skincare Guide

Can you believe it is almost the end of 2020!? It’s that time of the year again where the weather is changing and so is our skin.
If you get dry skin in the winter here are some of my favorite ways to rev up your skincare routine to stay hydrated and glowing.

Now, I love filling up a hot steamy bath, a glass of red wine and pretending I am in a luxurious Finnish sauna sweating my 2020 sorrows away but can you say DEHYDTRATION? I know it’s cold outside, but taking long hot showers is not great for your skin, and actually, it can dry your skin out more. Keeping your showers between 5-10 minutes at a lukewarm temp is ideal.


Next, make sure you use a gentle cleanser. I am a sucker for fresh fruity fragrance but honestly, added fragrance is unnecessary and can do more harm than good for your skin. If your skin is feeling tight and dry, you’re stripping too many of your natural oils out of your skin and that’s the opposite of our goal! Look for a body wash or cleanser that is for sensitive skin and is moisturizing, here are a few great options:

After cleansing, we cannot forget exfoliating. This is key to keep your skin looking and feeling fresh because dead skin cells can reduce the amount of absorption you get from the products in your routine. There are so many different types of exfoliants but an easy go to for me is a sugar scrub! I recommend exfoliating only 1-2 times a week.

Make sure to add oil into your routine. I cannot recommend oil enough. I wont tell you to use basic coconut oil for your hair, but I swear by it on my skin! There are so many benefits to oil I could go on and on. A quick body oil hack is you can use your oil instead of shaving cream. My favorite oils are coconut oil for my body and rosehip seed oil for my face. My tip on applying your oil is to apply it on wet skin, in the shower but just be careful! It can get slippery reeeeaaaal quick. Let your oil sit for 3-5 minutes before you gently pat dry with a towel. Here are a few different oil options:

Lastly, apply a moisturizing cream to keep that moisture trapped in your skin all day long. Some key ingredients to look for are hyaluronic acid, ceramides, glycerin, different plant oils and sunscreen.

I hope this helps your winter skin glow and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! <3

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