Meg Ann Lee: Manifesting Your 2021

It seems to be the trend to make New Year resolutions. Maybe it is financial goals, health goals or social goals you’re looking to achieve this time around the sun. The “New Year, New You” mantra is inspiring and all but why don’t we follow through?

We’ve all done it, set new goals and then we fall off track within a few weeks right? Why?

Because we don’t make our goals seem attainable.

I’m no life coach or expert at achieving all of my dreams but here are some key points I like to remember when setting goals!

The first step into moving forward is reflecting on the past. Now, I know 2020 was a shit show but we can reflect on it to recognize different and better things we want in 2021.

Next, ask yourself how this goal will change or impact your life. Is it something that you actually want to do or accomplish? I know this sounds crazy but a lot of goals we set are influenced by society or other people’s opinions and that is one reason we don’t accomplish them! Make sure your goals are in line with your true wants or needs.

Only set 2-3 big goals for your whole year. Yes, I said 2-3. Writing down an entire page of goals feels so amazing but holding yourself accountable for paaaaggggees of goals is going to be harder than you think. More than likely mid-way through your focus will shift and none of them will be accomplished in full.


Break it down and set deadlines. Do you remember teachers breaking down 20-page papers into drafts that were due weekly? Why did they do that? To make this huge paper seem less daunting! Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel gives us hope and it puts the work into perspective. Write out a map of daily/weekly/monthly actions that will lead to you accomplishing your goal. Whether it’s in a planner, a vision board or an excel sheet, break it down into actions and PLAN IT OUT.

Lastly, make sure you reward yourself. Every step towards our goal is something to celebrate. Stay positive about your growth and take care of yourself during the process. Its easy to let self-doubt get in your way if you fall behind or get off track but every step in the right direction is PROGRESS and you should be proud of that.

Here are a few of my favorite items that I use to create an organized plan for my year. Keeping my planner up to date and decorated gets me excited to plan and keeps me on track.

Seriously the only way I have my life together is by having a planner. If you’re really motivated look into scrapbook planners!
They are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G but time consuming. I hope this helps you feel ready to take on 2021 and create a life YOU love <3

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