Winter time with kids is like locking yourself in a cage full of deranged Tasmanian devils. Everyone is cooped up, it gets darker so much faster and seasonal depression kicks in with a vengeance. You can only watch so much TV and if you have to watch another Ryan's World video you are going to pull your hair out. I get it. This doesn't have to be your winter. I have come up with a list of activities for you and the family that will keep you from losing your mind this winter season.



Being outside is super important; even in the winter time. Fresh air can boost your immune system. Luckily, we have tons of great hiking spots in the area. Hiking in the winter time can be extremely enjoyable, plus it will wear out the little ones. My favorite spot for a winter hike is Hoffman Hills. The trail is wide and easy to navigate. You can even teach your kids how to read a map with the maps along the trails. Fill up your thermos full of some hot cocoa, bundle up and get outside. Your body (and sanity) will thank you.


There is something satisfying about the smell of fresh baked goods in the winter time. It brings a sense of warmth and cheer to my household. Baking with kids can really help build a strong bond, while you teach them measurements and brush up on their reading skills.


Game Night

Family game nights are always a great way to keep the entire family entertained. Board games can assist your kids with problem solving skills. Puzzles are also another great option, and you can frame them as art once they are complete.

Good luck, parents. I hope these activities help you stay off of the next episode of Snapped. Spring will be here soon enough.

<3 Bri