Celebrating 38 Years of Caradori Pottery and a Fall Art Show

David Caradori has been selling pottery out of his shop on Ferry Street for 38 years – a “huge” feat. He’s hosting a fall show this weekend, and it features a few artists that Caradori considers to be high quality.  “The shows feature things that I don’t always have,” he says. He’ll be featuring his own work from his latest firing, as well as Allan Servoss’ paintings and drawings, Lori Chilefone’s collages and prints, Dan Ingersoll’s pottery, and Joe Maurer’s paintings. 

Caradori discovered pottery in college and trained in Japan, before coming back to Eau Claire to take ownership of his own pottery studio. He uses a kickwheel, and fires his work in a Japanese wood kiln. He formulates his own glazes and mixes his own clay. 

He’s exceptionally humble, and loves to work with the loyal customers that he serves in the area. “I don’t have collectors, I have customers.” Although he has shown work in international shows, including one in Minneapolis this past weekend, he is modest about his successes. “The people that purchase the work, they’re not buying it because of the pedigree behind them … they buy it because they like it.” 

He credits his ever-changing style and techniques to a short attention span, and says that he is constantly learning in the craft – he never stops experimenting and doesn’t sell just one type of product or style. “Learning never stops, always learning new things. That’s what makes it interesting,” he notes.


As for what has sustained him throughout the 38 years at the wheel, he says this: “the only thing that’ll sustain you is loving the process. The process is what gives the work meaning.” So if you find yourself purchasing a Caradori piece, remember that “buying art from the people who make it, you buy all the energy that goes along with it.”

The fall show will take place inside Caradori Pottery at 359 Ferry St, on Friday, November 10th, from 10am-9pm and Saturday, November 11th, from 10am-4pm, with an artists’ reception Friday from 5-10pm.

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