The Best Ways To Cure Your New Year’s Eve Hangover

Happy New Year’s Eve! Nothing is better than ringing in the New Year with friends and family but the day after is not always as fun. I’m Meg Ann Lee and this week we are talking about the best ways to cure a party hang over and how to take care of yourself as you bring in the new year!

First and foremost, the best way to avoid a hangover is not overindulging and staying hydrated while consuming alcohol. A great rule is to drink a water in-between your alcoholic beverages. However, if you forget to do this here are a few things to remember for the day after!

Physical Health

Getting enough sleep to recharge your body and mind. Honestly if you can, sleep right through your hang over.

If you’re awake and feeling active do some light exercise like yoga to alleviate any tension or soreness. Grab your dog or bestie and go for a walk to get your body moving.

 Hydration and Nutrition

Drinking plenty of water to rehydrate your body after a night of celebrations and alcohol consumption is KEY. I always go for an alkaline water with electrolytes.

Treat yourself by eating a big nutritious breakfast to replenish your energy levels and stabilize blood sugar.


Plan self-care activities for the upcoming days to continue nurturing yourself.

Choose a relaxing activity that soothes your mind, such as reading a book or listening to calming music. You can see some book recommendations HERE.

Do your skincare routine or take a relaxing bath. You can check out a few of my self-care blogs below!

Chill Out

Avoid overcommitment for the next few days. If you’re anything like me, I LOVE staying home. Give yourself some downtime and avoid overloading your schedule.

The main thing is to listen to your body. Pay attention to how you’re feeling, take a short nap and rest if needed.

Give yourself the care and attention you need to start the new year feeling refreshed and rejuvenated <3

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