Cheesecake Egg Rolls/Egg Rolls And More

One of my fellow DJs here at the Mid-West Family Eau Claire group of radio stations — Teri Ryan — told me a couple years ago about a friend of hers who makes egg rolls. Pretty cool. There was a twist: her friend would make almost any type of egg roll upon request — including dessert egg rolls. Well, this was a natural for me to try. Teri was talking about Andrea from Egg Rolls And More at VFW Post 10405 in Altoona, so I gave Andrea a call and asked for an egg roll that combined two of the favorite types of dessert for me and my wife: chocolate, and cheesecake. Presenting: a chocolate cheesecake egg roll.

Nestled dessert egg rolls.

As you can see, my custom order came with a little extra: a cut strawberry and a couple chocolate mini-brownies. Per Andrea’s instructions, I air fryer’d the egg rolls at 375° for about 5 minutes (short for this particular type of egg roll — any longer and the cheesecake filling could burst out). Coincidentally, we had Korean chicken for dinner that night, so Korean egg rolls for dessert was kismet, and it was an excellent cap on the eating.

All sorts of chocolately cheesecakey gooiness.

If you have ever had cannoli, this is sort of the egg roll version of that delicacy. The wrapping is crispy with the classic egg roll flavor, and flavor which can marry with about any filling. Inside, creamy chocolate cheesecake. It was a thoroughly enjoyably experience with the balance of the crunch and smoothness, plus the richness of the interior. In my case, alternating bites between egg roll, brownie, and strawberry made for one of the better dessert eating experiences I have had of late. I’m really thankfully that I have more in the fridge to try later.

Think of what you’d like Andrea to prepare for you. Dessert, not dessert, a mix — email Andrea or give her a call, and make your request. See what sweet or savory egg roll she can whip up for you.

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