Skincare Tips For Beginners

Hey, it’s Meg Ann Lee and this week we are talking to the younger crowd, who are just starting to explore the skincare world. Starting to use skincare is super exciting BUT with all the brands and marketing it’s hard to know where to start, which products are right for your skin and how much to use.

I know seeing your favorite influencer on TikTok using skincare items that have “CHANGED THEIR LIVES” is, well… influential, BUT don’t be fooled by the different 8-12 step skincare routines. If you are a teen or just starting to learn about skincare this blog post, is for you.

First, take a GOOD look at you skin and determine what problems you would like to solve. Acne? Dryness? Texture? Each problem requires a different solution.

Second, determine what skin type you have. You can have normal, oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin. This will help you choose products suited to your specific needs. If you are struggling with skin issues, I always recommend seeing a dermatologist or an esthetician for help build a skincare routine for you.

Third, if you’re just starting and don’t have any specific skin issues, KEEP IT SIMPLE. A basic three step routine is all you need: cleanse, moisturize, and apply sunscreen. Like I said, if you are younger, THIS is probably the about of step you need.

Fourth, give it time! To truly know if your skincare routine is working for you use the routine for six weeks. Our skin takes about six weeks to complete the cycle of renewing itself with new skin cells. If a product immediately is giving you rashes, breakouts, hives or swelling then discontinue use.

Here is a quick ingredient breakdown:

  • Salicylic Acid: Helps unclog pores and reduce acne.
  • Benzoyl Peroxide: Kills acne-causing bacteria and reduces inflammation.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Hydrates and plumps the skin.
  • Glycolic Acid: Exfoliates and improves skin texture.
  • Retinoids: Promote cell turnover and help with acne and fine lines.


Lastly, once you have a simple routine down that is working, you can think about adding more steps if you feel you skin could use more! The next steps I would add would be a toner and an exfoliator. Here are a few more of my skincare blogs for you to check out <3

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