What If I’m Not a PTO Parent

Every year I take my son to school orientation the parent teacher organization is always by the door asking if I want to get involved. Honestly, I just don't have the time. I'm a single parent that owns a business and just simply is way to busy to make it to all the meetings and organize all the events. It made me feel like I wasn't contributing enough to my child's education at first. But guess what?! You don't have to be a PTO parent to be involved in your child's education and here are some ways to get involved.

Attending Events

Take your child to more school events. There's usually a back to school picnic at the beginning of the year and there's always a Halloween dance every year. Allow your child to attend these events and take the time to go with them.

Get to Know Teachers

When you meet your child's teachers at the beginning of the year ask questions. Get to know them and set up solid communication for the year to come.

Supporting at Home

Encourage reading, active learning and help manage homework. Being patient when it comes to homework is huge for kids. Take an active role in being aware of what they are learning in the classroom so you can help the best you can right from home.


Schools are always looking for volunteers for field trips. Try to take one day a year to volunteer for an upcoming trip with your child's class. These trips aren't possible without parent volunteers and it can mean a lot to your child.

You don't have to be involved with every school event to be play an active role in your child's education. Sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest difference. Cheers to a new and successful school year.

<3 Bri

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