Letting Kids Be Bored
We're in the middle of January. It's been cold. A lot of us don't really feel like leaving the house because it's been below zero degrees. Then we hear the dreaded words "Mom/Dad I'm bored." Well, too bad.
But, Bri, isn't it up to us to keep our kids entertained? No. No, it's not. Sometimes we have stuff to do. We have to clean the house, cook dinner, work, etc. I promise you that it won't kill your kids if they're bored. Actually, I think it'll help them in the long run.

Boredom fosters creativity. Remember all the Christmas presents you got for your kids that they probably already forgot about? Yeah, they can play with them. They can use their imagination. When left to their own devices, children will come up with their own unique ways to occupy their time.
Boredom creates independence. It helps them develop hobbies as an adult. It helps them learn how to actively engage with their environment without constant external stimulation.
It can improve problem-solving skills. It can push them to find solutions and engage in activities to overcome their boredom.
Basically what I'm saying is let them be bored. Let them figure it out. You don't have to be a constant source of entertainment. You don't constantly have to be thinking of activities to get them through the weekend. No child has ever died from boredom. I promise. Plus, you'll get to see their creativity shine and that can be a beautiful thing.
<3 Bri