Spring Cleaning

Spring is here! Well, technically. Wisconsin spring will arrive hopefully before June, but that means it's time for your annual spring cleaning. Nothing feels more freeing than deep cleaning your space and opening up those windows to get some fresh air. You don't have to take the burden on yourself. Your kids can be responsible for their own space. Here's tips to get your kids to clean their rooms and keep them clean all year long.

Set Aside a Day

Sundays are our deep clean day. We set aside one day a week to make sure their rooms are vacuumed, dusted and organized. When you set aside a day for this they know it's coming and it becomes routine. Then they can't whine when you tell them to clean their rooms. They knew this was coming all week.

Make a Visual Check List

Some kids just have more trouble staying on task. A check list will allow them to see their progress in real time and make sure they don't miss anything.


Everything Has a Home

My rule is everything has a home or we get rid of it. This forces kids to really thing about what they use regularly. I feel like kids bedrooms can become so cluttered with all the toys they get for holidays and birthdays. We go through the toys once a year and get rid of things he no longer uses or has grown out of.

Label Things

You don't have to get super fancy with this, but labeling containers to keep art supplies, legos and other small pieces in keeps things from getting mixed together and ending up a mess.


Lead By Example

As always, lead by example. If you keep your space clean it shows your kids how to keep their own space clean. If your area is a disaster all the time it makes them less likely to care that their rooms are. It's pretty simple really.

Hope this helps!

<3 Bri

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