Best Holiday Ever

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Brought to you by the radio stations of Mid-West Family Eau Claire, we're giving you tons of ways to have the best holiday ever!


Holiday Markets to Find the Perfect Gifts

Imagine this: twinkling lights, the smell of freshly baked treats, and the sound of cheerful carols. It’s all part of…

The 21st Annual Festival of Toys Is ON!

The Festival of Toys is back! If there’s any way to spread holiday cheer, it’s donating toys to kids in…

Mid-West Family’s Turkey Drive: A Success!

Thanksgiving was a holiday to remember, and for some families, generosity and kindness made it even more unforgettable. The stations…

The Ultimate Holiday Checklist

Welcome to the ultimate holiday checklist! Here we’ve gathered 25 things that you can do around the 715 this holiday…

A Guide to Christmas Tree Farms in the 715

Some of us have fond memories of piling in the family truck and bringing it to a local tree farm.…

Unravel the Mystery of Agnes’ Table’s 80s-Themed Murder Mystery Party

It’s time to break out the fishnets and spritz the Aquanet – an 80s themed murder mystery party is happening…

Have a Trolley-Jolly Christmas!

It’s time to create a new favorite family tradition…on wheels! From the seasonal warmth of The Local Store, the ride…

Your 715 Small Business Gift Guide

If you’ve got a Christmas list, we’ve got you covered. And if you’re shopping, why not support local? Check out…