Avoiding Parent Burnout

As a single mom who owns a business I understand burnout. Sometimes you just have weeks where you feel exhausted and like you’re just going through the same routine again, and again…and again. Especially during the winter months it can feel like a never ending cycle. Here are some tips to avoid burnout this winter.


Going to the gym this winter has been a game changer for me. It gets my blood pumping and gives me the opportunity to rid some of that stress. You don’t have to get a gym membership, but I strongly recommend it. It makes me feel like I’m actually getting out of the house and accomplishing something.

Get Out of the House

When I feel like I’m going a little stir crazy in the winter I plan ways to get out of the house. On my day off after Trent is out of school we head down to Reboot Social to play some arcade games. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Just going somewhere besides your own house or work can be the boost you need.


Get Outside

Sometimes some fresh air is all you need. It’s been a pretty mild winter so there’s no reason you can’t go for a walk with or without the kiddos.

Set Boundaries

Set a better work life balance. Refrain from answering work emails at home. Home is home time and work is work time. Separate the two and I promise you’ll feel so much better. Taking a break from play time with the kids is ok too. Be upfront and honest and say “I need a break right now,” and retreat to quiet place to unwind. Eventually your kids will catch on.

Be Compassionate With Yourself

You didn’t get the laundry done like you planned. So what? I have to remind myself often that I am one person trying to keep up with everything. Be gentle with yourself. It’s ok to not be perfect all the time and no one expects you to be except yourself. The laundry will get done. Dinner will get made. The house will get clean. It doesn’t all have to be done in a day.

You’re doing a great job and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed some days. You’ve got this.

<3 Bri

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